November 2019
Student Case Competition + 2020 PD courses
  • Student Evaluation Case Competition
  • January 2020 Essential Skills Series
  • Developmental Evaluation: Social Innovation in Real Time

Student Evaluation Case Competition

The 2020 Canadian Evaluation Society/ Canadian Evaluation Society Educational Fund Student Evaluation Case Competition is underway! CES-CESEF is excited to kick off the 24th year of offering future Canadian evaluators this dynamic learning opportunity!

Universities, professors, and students from various disciplines are invited to form teams and help us start this year’s competition in style.
  • October 20, 2019: Start of team registration (register here)
  • February 1, 2020: End of team registration
  • February 8, 2020: Preliminary round (the team has 5.5 hours to complete an online proposal in response to a case document)
  • First week of April, 2020: Announcement of the three finalist teams
  • June 15, 2020: Final round at the Canadian Evaluation Society's Annual Conference in Ottawa, Ontario (5 hours to prepare a proposal and an oral presentation) 
For more information about to content rules and how to participate and register, please check out the CES-CESEF website.

2020 PD Offerings

CES Ontario is proud to present another year of of excellent professional development training opportunities. We're starting 2020 with two great courses: the Essential Skills Series and Developmental Evaluation: Social Innovation in Real Time.

January 2020 Essential Skills Series

Date: January 27-30, 2020

Location: Oakham House, Ryerson University

Register online here: https://www.eventbrite.ca/e/january-2020-essential-skills-series-tickets-81346348117

CES Ontario is pleased to offer the Essential Skills Series, held January 27-30 in Toronto. This four-day foundational course is an essential introduction to the practice of evaluation, including practical tools and a chance to apply your real-life projects to the course work. This session will be taught by John Allen.


Developmental Evaluation: Social Innovation in Real Time

Date: January 29-30, 2020

Location: Hart House, University of Toronto, 7 Hart House Circle, Toronto

Register online here: https://www.eventbrite.ca/e/development-evaluation-social-innovation-in-real-time-tickets-71508171867

This blended course provides participants with introductory knowledge in the fundamentals of Developmental Evaluation (DE) and its implementation, including the role and use of the Theory of Change/Action. 
The course will consist of a webinar and a two-day in-person session. 

The course is focused on how developmental evaluators track, document, and help interpret the nature and implications of innovations and adaptations as they unfold, and help extract lessons and insights from both processes and outcomes to inform the ongoing adaptive innovative process. (Patton, McKegg, & Wehipeihana, 2015) 

Situational analysis and case studies will be used to authenticate the information being presented in order to equip evaluators with the practical application of DE within the complex, dynamic environments they may experience in their work. 

Throughout the course participants will be invited to apply their learning to the programs/ evaluation activities in which they are involved. An optional one-hour group consultation is offered to those participants wishing to present and discuss questions or issues concerning implementation of DE they may have.

Meet Our Facilitators:

Megan Börner has worked in the public education sector for over 25 years. She is currently with the Ontario Ministry of Education, where she has created a model for embedding internal research and evaluation staff in policy/program teams to promote the understanding of evaluative thinking through everyday decisions and processes.

Dr. Keiko Kuji-Shikatani, C.E., is an internal evaluator with the Ministry of Education, infusing evaluative thinking in collaborative teams to build sector capacity for the use of evidence to inform decisions. She shares her DE expertise widely leading interministerial collaborations, evaluation capacity building for governments both in Canada and internationally, through universities, civil societies and EvalPartners.

Dr. Wendy Rowe is a professor at Royal Roads University, Victoria, Canada, teaching in the School of Leadership. She has 20 years professional experience in the evaluation field across Canada and United States, using models of collaboration and developmental evaluation to enhance organizational capacities, increase program efficiency and effectiveness, and create learning organizations.